Douglas Wilson (13)

But in our day, many of these designed masculine traits are drilled or drugged out of him by the time he is ten. Faith resists this ungodly process and defines sin by the Scriptures and not by pietistic traditions.Future Men (p. 6). Canon Press

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A Christian worldview is therefore a framework of assumptions about reality, all of which are in submission to Christ. A Christian worldview is not defined as a worldview held by someone who is a Christian.Future Men (p. 32). Canon Press. Kindle Edition.

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A covenant is simply a solemn bond, sovereignly administered, with attendant blessings and curses.Future Men (p. 25).

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Boys must learn to say, regularly to God, to others, and to themselves that they were wrong when they were wrong, and that they were responsible when they were responsible. When they do this, they will discover that authority naturally flows to those who take responsibility. That same authority naturally flees from those who seek to shift the responsibility or the blame.Future Men, 16

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Men who follow Jesus Christ, the dragon-slayer, must themselves become lesser dragon-slayers. And this is why it is absolutely essential for boys to play with wooden swords and plastic guns. Boys have a deep need to have something to defend, something to represent in battle. And to beat the spears into pruning hooks prematurely, before the war is over, will leave you fighting the dragon with a pruning hook. The Christian faith is in no way pacifistic. The peace that will be ushered in by our great Prince will be a peace purchased with blood. As our Lord sacrificed Himself in this war, so must His followers learn to do. Boys must learn that they are growing up to fight in a great war, and they must consequently learn, as boys, to be strong, sacrificial, courageous, and good.Future Men

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Men are created to exercise dominion over the earth; they are fitted to be husbandman, tilling the earth; they are equipped to be saviors, delivering from evil; they are expected to grow up into wisdom, becoming sages; and they are designed to reflect the image and glory of God. Some of these following terms may seem somewhat cumbersome, but let's call them lords, husbandmen, saviors, sages, and glory-bearers.Future Men (p. 8). Canon Press

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faith also sees the godliness in what many pietists, on their own authority, have come to call sin.Future Men (p. 6). Canon Press

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Christ, the second Adam, was sent by God to be the Federal Head of a new race. His obedience was representative and was imputed to all His elect, who are identified as such by their faith. This is why Christ stands in a relationship with the Church which is described as one of headship. This headship is covenantal, which means that it is necessarily a federal headship.Federal Husband (p. 9). Canon Press

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The Bible describes the relationship between Adam and the human race as a federal one. That is, God made a covenant with the entire human race, with Adam serving as the representative or covenant head of that race. Adam, as a covenant head, must be described as the federal head of our race. As we will see, this is why the Bible speaks of our loss of righteousness as occurring in Adam.Federal Husband (p. 9). Canon Press

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the word federal is grossly misunderstood today. But our word comes from the Latin word foedus, which means covenant.Federal Husband (p. 9). Canon Press

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Desperate times call for faithful men, and not for careful men. The careful men come later, and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.

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The answer to our education crisis is for parents to recover their role as parents before the Lord, according to His Word alone. The biblical answer is to be found in parents assuming the responsibility which God has given to them, and only to them, for the education and upbringing of their children.Repairing the Ruins

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